Thursday, 9 September 2010

Narrating personal interest

The topic that I have chosen is shopaholics. The idea of this topic mainly came from the idea of I, being an excessive buyer. As an excessive buyer, I would find myself shopping to nearly everything I like or I see. I usually find myself needing to buy things everyday. It’s become more of a habit to me nowadays. I usually find myself in situations where I have small amounts of money in my bank account and even then I would still buy something cheap to satisfy my mood. When I do get paid from work, all you would see me doing is spending most of that money of clothes, jewellery, bags or even shoes.

As my daily routine usually consists me going to the shopping centres or going in to the city, I usually find that self- satisfaction and a hobby, as I would get to see new and beautiful things. I usually find myself window shopping and spend hours just glancing at the manikin’s on the stand. I would also go in to the shop and try on certain clothes and usually end up buying at least one pair of clothing or shoes.

Shopaholic is an issue that no one really realise that they have. I discovered this new word when once a friend told I that I have this habit of buying things everyday. At first I took as a joke but now I seriously do take it as an illness more than positive thing.

When I see something that I like, I usually get this urge to buy it straightaway without even looking at the price. I also find myself usually going online and searching for online shops that suit my personal taste. I would end up spending hours on shopping online. I would visit many online shops all around the world to get or see what I like.

The whole idea of this topic came from the film ‘Confessions of a Shopaholic’. As I mentioned earlier, I was told by a friend that I had this problem but however after watching this movie I realised many traits in me that the main character had in the film. I have also read the novels that inspired the movie. I read many articles and magazines that have people in such related situations. I do find this an illness that can be maintained by help.

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